Affiliate, partner programs and supporters

All of the following partner programs have been entered into out of conviction and on the basis of years of experience.

Calumet Photographic GmbH

I've been buying from Calumet since 2018. I have purchased almost all of my photographic equipment there. There have never been any problems with delivery, service or financing. That's why I decided to apply for an affiliate program with Calumet at the end of 2023. Obviously it was successful.

Check24 Vergleichportal GmbH

I used Check24 to book my first flights, my first rental car and today I regularly use the portal to get an overview of flights or rental cars. I don't necessarily book via the portal, but to get an idea of costs, the various providers or potential options, Check24 is definitely worthwhile.

E.M.P. Merchandising Handelsgesellschaft mbH

I've known EMP since I was at school, so for over 20 years. I've liked the store for a long time and occasionally pick up the odd piece of merch. As I think the selection is really cool, I'm now also an EMP affiliate partner.

Deuter Sport GmbH

Seit Jahren habe ich Deuter Rucksäcke im Gebrauch. Lange Lebenszeit und gutes Handling. Auf Grund der positiven Erfahrungen, habe ich mich auch hier entschieden, dass ich Werbung von diesem Anbieter mit besten Wissen und Gewissen vertreten kann bzw. von den Produkten, Herkunft und Erzeugung überzeugt bin.

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