Travel, vacation and job

After my studies and my first jobs, I finally had the time and money to visit a few cities in Europe. On the right you can see some of the cities I've visited in Europe over the last seven years. Before some people start complaining about the ecological footprint, a few words about these trips.
In the past, many countries and cities came together for professional reasons. If you work as a scientist, there are many different conferences, meetings, symposia and workshops every year. Direct contact is much more efficient and creates new connections and networks much faster than the digital route. Especially at the beginning of your career, it makes a lot of sense to meet relevant decision-makers or important personalities in person.
Im Gegensatz zu vielen Kollegen habe ich diese Gelegenheiten immer gleich genutzt, um eine Stadt oder die Umgebung zu erkunden, mit Urlaub zu verbinden oder mich sprachlich weiter zu entwickeln.

Bisher habe ich 70 % aller Auslandsreisen arbeitsbedingt angetreten. Hinzu kommt, dass ich nicht der typische Tourist bin. Ich brauche keine edlen Hotels, einen Badestrand, Wellness oder dergleichen. Einfach bei einheimischen unterkommen, Ausflüge planen und los geht’s. Am besten den ganzen Tag unterwegs sein und abends tod ins Bett fallen.
I used to be very interested in the impression of a city. In other words, lots of walking, lots of pictures of buildings and attractions. Nowadays, the focus is much more on nature and landscapes. A change from a small, lightweight backpack to a photo backpack weighing up to 13 kg for a wide variety of motifs.


Some more info about the map. QGIS has become a good friend over the last few months. Appropriate layers for such a representation are freely available, as are shape files for cities. Together with boundary maps and the GEBCO 2022 bathymetry map, you can create beautiful views. I have only entered cities outside Germany here as a small overview. These are not satellite images.

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